Personal Attakcs on Individuals

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Over The Black Spot
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Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Over The Black Spot »

I don't like starting new topics to discuss posts that are part of other threads, but I think this merits it.

I enjoy this forum greatly, and it's brilliant to be able to discuss all things Offaly with like-minded individuals. However, I've noticed a worrying trend of late, which needs to be addressed by the forum moderators, and that is the personal attacks on players, management etc.

We all have our clubs allegiances, and players we like over others, and I believe it's fair enough to discuss our own perceived pros and cons on certain players and management, and why we think they should or shouldn't be involved, as long as it's based on things relative to the games. Attacking them for stuff we see outside of the game is desplorable on a public forum where anonymity is guaranteed.

Someone just mentioned that a certain players off field antics are disgraceful (or something along those lines) - grow up you fool. Someone else mentioned they might ring Padraic Boland becasue they saw a player having a pint - get a life.

Good or bad, these guys are giving their time and effort so we can dream of more great days out following the green, white and gold, and the cowards who take this forum as the opportunity to have a pop on a personal level should be banned in my opinion.

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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Buck Face »


Blue moon1
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Blue moon1 »

It's completely relative to the game you fool

Don Hurley
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Don Hurley »

I'm a Dub living in Offaly and have been involved in GAA for nearly 50 years. The Offaly county teams are in an unhappy place at the moment. Many people are expressing their disappointment and sometimes anger on-line. This thread's heading seemed to be taking an approach that I share, but unfortunately slipped into blaming and created another round of anger. People forget that these are lob-sided ways of communicating. Most of the contributors are anonymous, but most of the players, team management and board/club officials are not. They, and people close to them, are exposed to these comments and that can hurt. I played inter-county underage for several years and had a forgettable period in senior hurling for Dublin when we were not as competitive as we are now. We took some heavy beatings in those days (some of my nightmares are still in black and amber!). I am truly glad that I did not do so with the Internet around. The thought of being open to some of the criticisms that are expressed on sites like this is scary.
I think that the source of a person's anger is rarely what it is vented towards - it comes from deeper within. That might be an explanation but it is not an excuse for venting anger. Because anger can still hurt. The moderators do not seem to realise this and have permitted very negative things to be written (for ever) on this site, but it is not really an issue for moderators. It is for the contributors to realise that they can cause harm. Just consider - if instead of this anonymous site, you had to actually speak face to face with the people you are criticising? I think in the majority of situations you would respectfully restrain or not express such angry feelings at all - and you would do this because you could see immediately how hurtful it can be. So, in short please refrain from criticism of named or identifiable individuals.

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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by The Biff »

I agree with the opening poster and the one above from Don Hurley. I still have fond memories of Offaly scaling the peaks of All-Ireland glory, and I have grown to accept that it may never happen again. But if it does, it will be because a new band of young men (or women) will have sacrificed more of themselves than I was ever capable of.

Do some people expect too much sacrifice from our players? I feel it has moved that way, and I don't like that. I want the GAA games and county teams to remain true to the amateur ethos that has worked well in the past. If modern standards are demanding too much time and commitment from our players, then I would prefer that some unlikely way could be found to limit and reduce that demand. We want these players to still be the lads we grew up with, who can still be seen kicking a ball or swinging a hurl in the same field that I did as a kid, or who is now working in the office down the road or teaching my kids in the local school.

There is no future for Professionalism in GAA in Ireland. We are too small a country. It would suck so much of the money away from the lower levels of the GAA, and it would create such an uneven standard that those dreams I mentioned above would definitely never be repeated.

That means that I respect the current players for the effort that they do put in. I would prefer them to win every match. I'd be happy if they won most of their matches. I don't like to see them lose. But above all else, I am prepared to accept that the same players and team management probably don't like losing either, and most of the time they are trying their best. They are not making any fortunes from representing Offaly. It may be costing them more than it is costing you and me, so if they want to enjoy a pint when they are not preparing for a big game, enjoy it.

It could always be worse. We could be like my current Kildare neighbours and their delusions of expectation. God love them, the poor crayturs.
Peter Parker: I missed the part where that's MY problem.

Blue moon1
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Blue moon1 »

His not good enough for Roscommon certainly not good enough for offaly end of...boom

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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Blue moon1 »

By the the way bud I said his attitude stinks..must have hit a sore point without knowing it

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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by joe bloggs »

I am going to do something I have never done before on this forum.

Blue moon,

Calling you an idiot would be an insult to idiots everywhere.I'd love to ask how old you are, but unfortunately I know you can't count that high. Are you always this silly or are you just making a special effort today?Hey friend remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom, so the world needs you.Brains aren't everything. In fact in your case they're nothing.
'if your not part of the solution, your part of the problem' J. McClean

Plain of the Herbs
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Plain of the Herbs »

Too many people on this site have crossed the line regarding personal abuse of Offaly players this week. That personal abuse needs to stop NOW. That said, some of those posters are continuing to bad-mouth players even after this has been pointed out to them. Perhaps this isn’t the place for you.

There have been several differences of opinion here, which I think we can live with, that’s the nature of debate. But the abuse has to stop.

I’ve do doubt each Offaly hurler went out to do their best last Sunday, as they do every Sunday. Sometimes things don’t work out on the field, you meet an opponent who is just not going to be stopped on the day. That Offaly were short many leaders and as a consequence others had to play out of position is a matter of fact. I do wish Antrim would front up against a Munster team once in a while instead of targeting the occasional Offaly game for a good performance, but there’s not much that can be done about that.

As regards players drinking, I’m happy enough that that’s the kind of story that grows legs after a defeat. That said, this isn’t the place to discuss it. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with an athlete having a few drinks to relax with friends, as long as they are responsible about it. The Irish rugby team are allowed alcohol. As are other professional sports people.

And as for the fella who repeatedly abused Dermot Shortt here today – how about I introduce you to Dermot and you can repeat that to his face? Like a man, like.

Or how about you take yourself off out of here altogether?
Pat Donegan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

Blue moon1
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Blue moon1 »

Not talkin bout drinking never said anything about drinking or staying out late or since yer friends and mayb from banagher ye might figure out what I'm keep this going not me..also bud it has been said

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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Lone Shark »

Blue Moon that's nonsense innuendo and it has no place here. I note you're still not putting your name to it, and anyone with an ounce of sense will know to disregard it as such, but it's still trying to create controversy and that's not what this board is here for.

For the avoidance of doubt, this board is for a discussion of gaelic games, and occasionally things of other interest to Offaly people. However the line is very clear - if it happens on the field of play, it's fair game. People have opinions, and that's natural - certainly when it comes to slots like the 5 through 9 jerseys for the hurlers at the moment, there is a lot of debate about who should play there and it's natural that people would speculate on the strengths and weaknesses of the players. If you want to say that you don't think a player is good enough and cite his performances in different games to back that up, then that's fine. Any player I've ever spoken to accepts that everything they do on the field of play is in the public domain. However what is beyond the line is off the field stuff, whether that's speculating as to someone's mindset, their lifestyle, or whatever. The only people who know the ins and outs of what's going on inside a panel are those involved, and those involved have the cop on not to go posting on here about stuff like that. Where a certain player was on a Friday night, who he was with, what he was doing, what he had for dinner, how he applies himself in a his own time in the gym, these are not things that are suitable for discussion on this board.

When I was living in Galway, there were a few of the Offaly senior footballers who were frequenters of the NUIG gym, as I was at the time. I could easily have drawn conclusions on their work ethic, negative or positive, based on what I saw, but then I had no idea what programme the lads were doing. I didn't know what they had done that morning, or the night before, or what was on the agenda later the same night. These things are all about knowing the whole story, and we don't. Even if you think you do - you don't.

I'd also like to point out here that everybody who posts on here is responsible for what they say. What I mean by that is that yeah, readers have no way of knowing who Lone Shark is just by reading this board (though God knows anyone with the slightest ability to google wouldn't be long finding out) however whatever I post on this board, I am responsible for it, not That principle has been established and while defamatory comments will be taken down once seen, or if a complaint is made (and this has happened) ultimately the responsibility lies with the original poster, who can be traced if needs be. So even though the vast majority of players, or managers, or officials would realise that those who try to spread rumours and stories are generally ignored for the classless muck talkers that they are, they still could choose to pursue it if they wish.

People need to bear that in mind when writing - if I choose to criticise a certain player's ability to catch a high ball or to shoot under pressure, then that's sport and that's fine. It's only a continuation of what's gone on in the printed press for the last century and more. If I write in such a way as to imply that the same player is drinking heavily for example, even if I don't explicitly state that I saw him drink X amount at a certain time and place, that is slander and if the player takes it that way, I'd learn very quickly that a username isn't much cover - and rightly so.
Kevin Egan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

Blue moon1
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Blue moon1 »

Yer the fools that are making this a big deal not me ye keep it going all I have ever said was I think hat his attitude stinks towards the game from a conversation I had so lads ye speculated all ye want and say I can't say this or that but I haven't said anything about what it is..I did say what it isnt and his not the only player and inever mentioned drink that's his own business if his gud enough to drink and hurl I don't care..please point out where I said drinking and not looking after them selfs or even not training..come on please show me..I just said attitude stinks that's my opinion..I say it if I want..I think the comment put up about Colman and ger Coughlan was ten times worse.i said attitude stinks...what's wrong with that

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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Blue moon1 »

Do u put ur name to ur posts or were u christened lone shark

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Lone Shark
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Lone Shark »

Unless you spend every minute of the day with a man, you have no idea what his attitude to anything is. Unless he tells you, of course, but you'll forgive my presumption that this didn't happen here.
Blue moon1 wrote:Do u put ur name to ur posts or were u christened lone shark
Nearly everyone knows by now, but if you don't I'm happy to share, I'm Kevin Egan, formerly of Ferbane and now living in Dysart Co. Roscommon. You may know me from the Offaly Independent. I've never hid this from anyone and will always talk on the phone or meet up with anyone who disagrees with anything I write, on here and in the paper. I wouldn't feel good about writing anything if I wasn't willing to do that.
Kevin Egan. Signed out of respect for players and all involved with Offaly.

Blue moon1
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Re: Personal Attakcs on Individuals

Post by Blue moon1 »

It did happen I'm not saying what it was but I didn't like it and it does not belong to any sport simple...his still not gud enough to play for offaly in my opinion..

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