In The Doldrums

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True Red
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In The Doldrums

Post by True Red »

The above phrase hasnt been used since the the early to mid-90's and lets face it folks it is currently where we are residing as a county (football wise) at the moment.

There was an air on inevitablity about Saturday nite's result and all credit to Carlow(who are no world beaters) for taking full advantage of Offaly ineptitude.Its depressing,demoralising,disgraceful and disgusting.

Sources are telling me that a certain 2 goal 1997 Leinster Final "hero" asked the management to step down after the match.Surely this is not the answer??I cant imagine any self-respecting big name manager beating a path to Ollie Daly's door.Granted Kilmurray and Co's sideline decision making left a lot to be desired but at the end of the day he cant go out and kick the balls over the bar.The players have to take ultimate responsibility for the state we are in and until they step up to the mark and show a bit of pride in the jersey that countless others before them have been willing to literally die for,Then Offaly,my faithful friends,are going nowhere.


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Re: In the Doldrums

Post by Lone Shark »

True Red wrote:The above phrase hasnt been used since the the early to mid-90's and lets face it folks it is currently where we are residing as a county (football wise) at the moment.

There was an air on inevitablity about Saturday nite's result and all credit to Carlow(who are no world beaters) for taking full advantage of Offaly ineptitude.Its depressing,demoralising,disgraceful and disgusting.
Agreed wholeheartedly. We have decent talent within the panel but ultimately are hugely underachieving.

True Red wrote:Sources are telling me that a certain 2 goal 1997 Leinster Final "hero" asked the management to step down after the match.Surely this is not the answer??I cant imagine any self-respecting big name manager beating a path to Ollie Daly's door.Granted Kilmurray and Co's sideline decision making left a lot to be desired but at the end of the day he cant go out and kick the balls over the bar.
This is not the answer by itself. It is however a step in the right direction. This guy is not fit to manage a club team. A junior club team.

Nobody says we need a big name manager. Paul O'Kelly and Gerry Fahy weren't big name managers, but they were reasonably good at their job and were given no chance to learn. And Richie Connor is one of the native candidates who might be worth a shot at the county job and would certainly take it. He'd be no worse than Kilmurray anyway, who has completely lost the players.

True Red wrote:The players have to take ultimate responsibility for the state we are in and until they step up to the mark and show a bit of pride in the jersey that countless others before them have been willing to literally die for,Then Offaly,my faithful friends,are going nowhere.
I agree that certain players did not acquit themselves with pride on Saturday night - but in a lot of cases it was players trying their hardest but either in an unsuitable role or just off form. Anyway, if the players don't believe in themselves, which our lads clearly don't, a lot of that is down to management. You can't tell me the likes of Evans, Slattery, Coughlan and most of all McManus didn't expend every ounce of energy they had in their bodies trying to win that game on Saturday. Pride in the jersey will only bring you so far, that needs to be channelled. Ours isn't.

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Post by azoffaly »

I cant imagine any self-respecting big name manager beating a path to Ollie Daly's door.
This is it. The gestapo in the county board have made a rod for their own back, as I said back in the Gerry Fahy appointment, and again for this Kilmurray jennet.

that Gestapo, of whom Ollie Daly was a member at least once, have Fucked up any chance of getting a decent manager because in their haste to rid themselves of two decent managers who were making progress, they have ostracised themselves from any good manager running the Offaly County Board gauntlet. It's fucking sickening, excuse my language LS, and has been looming since gobshites like Ollie Daly dragged Paul O'Kelly into a room to give him a bollocking after he had 'foolishly' blooded a load of young lads because he had been given a three year term.

Then Gerry Fahy had the temerity to get promotion from Division 2, so he was doomed.

As a high profile manager, who was approached to take over after the Coup de Kelly, said 'For fucks sake, if you do that to one of your own, what would you do to an outsider like me?'.

We're stuck with Kilmurray unless he resigns voluntarily, because the County Board have backed themselves, and by extension US, into this corner.

Thanks a lot lads, good work.


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Post by True Red »

Correct me if I am wrong but i think Kilmurray was give a 3 year term with a review after 2 years?If this is the case then i cant see him stepping down.

A panel member (for the last 3/4 years) informed me that the set-up is the most relaxed it has been since he was asked into the county scene.Players training when they want to,and even when they are training it wasnt overly hard.These negetive vibes dont bode well for the incumbent managerial set up.

You mentioned Ritchie Conner as a viable candidate and i wholeheartedly agree with you.But as i have stated above I cant see Kilmurray stepping down.

You Challenged me on the pride issue and you mentioned 4 players who would willingly go through the wall for the tricolour jersey.Even when things are bad they will fight and try and stem the tide.However these lads are in the minority.
When things are going bad for the following few lads that i am going to name they dont seem too bothered at all.Players such as Alan McNamee,Jimmy Coughlan and John Reynolds are all nice footballers,but therein lies the problem.They are too "nice".I can guarantee you these lads (and about 10 others)are currently on the beer in some godforsaken waterhole out of sight from anybody who would challenge them on the weekends events. And they will tell you that they deserve this blow out after all their hard training.
Granted they do make sacrifices for the right to play for their county but isnt that the way it should be? There are 100's of other Offaly footballers out there who would swop places with them in seconds.They are in a privileged position to be able to don the Offaly jersey And after Saturday night they should take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves "Am i giving everything to the county cause?"
Because to be honest I dont think they are aside from a few notable exceptions.

I agree Kilmurry is a problem but he isnt the only one.

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Post by Ron »

It was a bit like watching a car crash. Even when we got the penalty, I wasn't confident that we'd get the goal from it and what about the way Carlow waltzed up the field for the winner!
We didn't seem to want it enough, fair play to Carlow they played well and wanted it more, we had no answers, there can be no excuses we had plenty of time to prepare unlike previous years. Too many players went missing, there was no plan. We were unable to bring in a player like Grennan who could have easily turned the game, his loss was huge in my opinion and why was Mark Daly taken off just when he had started to win breaks in the middle?
Again we were simply unable to stamp our authority in an important match against a mediocre team. Offaly are inclined to play the game as it is given to them instead of dictating the play, this in my opinion is the single biggest problem. Westmeath did it last year (when they took McManus out of the game), Laois did it in the 2nd half this year and now even teams like Carlow have realised that Offaly are there for the taking!

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Post by Muck Savage »

Everyone is pised with what happened last weekend and a lot of the talk on the board shows the anger. We have to look with some sort of long term plan, sacking the manager, kicking this lad off the panel etc is all anger talk. There are a few things that have to be sorted, but go back a few weeks and a bit better on the shooting end we could/should be in a Leinster Final.
Enough of the hard luck stories, you get out what you put into this game. I'm tired of hearing how we kicked away a game against Laois, unlucky against W/meath last year and Laois the year before. We have what we have and we fight with that.
Enough critisim of the players, they bust their balls all year and they don't need everyone hoping off them. Sure some of them may be very talented but seem disinterested on the pitch, some fustrate with their energy and then anger with their silly passes/shots, but they don't do this on purpose. How many have spent 3/4 night a week busting their holes to get to this level. They need better guidance on the field and off it to some extent. This is a very talented bunch of lads that need to be worked the right way.

Brings me to the solution end. The county board and management need a good kick in the arse. Other counties have got more out lesser players and that's sickening.
Management needs to go, right we'll look like clowns sacking another one but they have to get the bullet. It's obvious that fittenss was an issue the last day against Laois (Pascal cramping with 15 mins left), christ you can't leave a lad on that long if he's cramping. These lads should be able to play extra time never mind cramping after 50mins or so. Same last weekend. The switches they made over the last few games and lack of them is shocking.
Everyone on this board should get on to their club county board rep and demand a step down. It's important though that the right man is put in after.
I don't know who the right person is but they need to show passion. Killmurry just sat there all the time. They need someone like that Bollox Lyons. He was a langer but he knew how to get the team working together and showed passion, that's what's needed along with a higher level of fittness. We're about 2 divisions lower than the Ulster teams and Kerry right now, that's what we need to be targeting.

I could go on and on but it's at the County board level and Management level that the problems are at. Forget about blaming the players, they are young and need to be worked into the right system etc. Right the management can't kick the ball over the bar but if the players haven't seen a set of post's at training for a few weeks they can't be expected to deliver on the day either.

I'm pisses but not with the players.

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